Join us to fund a cure

Come and join Zoey's Squad during Great Strides, a fun event held by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to help fund a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. It's an easy 5k walk in and around the Q2 / Austin FC stadium in Austin, TX. Surf's Up and CF's Out!

Supporting Zoey's Squad means you directly support Zoey, her family, and her friends in their quest to ensure CF can soon only be found in history books.

We hope you walk with us in Great Strides and be part of the team. But if you can't make it, please consider donating, as it helps find a cure for children like Zoey with CF worldwide.

in a month

  • When?
  • Saturday, May 4, 2024 9:30 AM
Photo of Zoey
Photo of Zoey with headphones

Our story

Our daughter Zoey is four years old and was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis shortly after birth. It's a rare, genetic, life-shortening disease that makes breathing difficult.

We have a goal to find a cure for cystic fibrosis in Zoey's lifetime, and we can't do that without fundraising for new therapies and medication but, ultimately, a cure. Already, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is leading the way in the fight against CF, fueling extraordinary medical and scientific progress. Zoey has responded amazingly to these therapies and medications. Overall, she has been doing great and is a super happy child despite the disease.

The life expectancy of CF patients has doubled in the last 30 years. Recently, the life expectancy was revised to 56 years. A significant improvement, but we won't stop until we find a cure!

We walk in Great Strides for Zoey but also for other people who struggle with cystic fibrosis.

Love, Miranda, Jordi, Luca, and Zoey

Photo of Miranda, Jordi, Luca and Zoey